The Century America’S Time Worksheet

The Century America’s Time Worksheet provides a comprehensive exploration of the 20th century, a pivotal era in American history. This worksheet delves into the key concepts, historical events, and cultural transformations that shaped the nation during this transformative period.

The 20th century witnessed America’s rise to global prominence, marked by major conflicts, technological advancements, and social upheavals. The worksheet examines these events through the lens of primary and secondary sources, offering a nuanced understanding of the era’s complexities.

The Century America’s Time Worksheet

The century america's time worksheet


The Century America’s Time Worksheet is an educational resource designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the period from 1890 to 1990, known as “America’s Century.” This worksheet is intended for students and researchers seeking a deeper understanding of this transformative era in American history.

The period covered by the worksheet is significant as it witnessed profound social, economic, and political changes that shaped the United States into a global superpower. It encompasses the Industrial Revolution, the Progressive Era, the Great Depression, World War II, the Cold War, and the Civil Rights Movement.

Key Concepts and Themes: The Century America’s Time Worksheet


The Century America’s Time Worksheet explores a range of central themes and concepts that shaped the American experience in the 20th century. These themes include the rise of American power, the impact of technology, the struggle for civil rights, and the complexities of American identity.

These themes are deeply intertwined with the broader historical narrative of America’s 20th century. The rise of American power, for example, was a defining characteristic of the century, as the United States emerged as a global superpower. This rise was fueled by a combination of factors, including economic growth, technological innovation, and military strength.

Impact of Technology

The impact of technology was another major theme of the 20th century. Technological advancements, such as the automobile, the airplane, and the computer, had a profound impact on American society. They transformed the way people lived, worked, and communicated, and they also contributed to the rise of American power.

Struggle for Civil Rights

The struggle for civil rights was a defining theme of the 20th century in America. The civil rights movement fought to end racial segregation and discrimination, and it achieved significant victories, such as the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Complexities of American Identity

The complexities of American identity were also a major theme of the 20th century. The United States is a nation of immigrants, and the 20th century saw a wave of immigration from all over the world. This immigration contributed to the diversity of American society, and it also raised questions about what it means to be an American.

Historical Events and Figures

The century america's time worksheet

The Century America’s Time Worksheet examines pivotal historical events and influential figures that have shaped American society and culture. These events and figures have had a profound impact on the nation’s development, from its founding to the present day.

The worksheet covers a broad range of topics, including the American Revolution, the Civil War, the Industrial Revolution, the Great Depression, and the Civil Rights Movement. It also highlights key figures such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, and Martin Luther King Jr.,

whose leadership and ideas have left an enduring legacy on the United States.

Major Historical Events

  • American Revolution (1775-1783): The American colonies’ successful struggle for independence from British rule, leading to the establishment of the United States.
  • Civil War (1861-1865): A conflict between the Northern and Southern states over slavery and states’ rights, resulting in the abolition of slavery and the reunification of the nation.
  • Industrial Revolution (late 18th century-early 20th century): A period of rapid technological advancements and economic growth that transformed American society and its economy.
  • Great Depression (1929-1939): A severe economic crisis that led to widespread unemployment and poverty, testing the nation’s resilience and leading to the New Deal.
  • Civil Rights Movement (1950s-1960s): A nonviolent campaign for racial equality that challenged segregation and discrimination, culminating in landmark legislation such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Influential Historical Figures, The century america’s time worksheet

  • George Washington (1732-1799): The first President of the United States, who led the Continental Army to victory in the American Revolution and played a key role in the nation’s founding.
  • Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865): The 16th President of the United States, who led the Union during the Civil War and issued the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing enslaved people in Confederate-held territory.
  • Frederick Douglass (1818-1895): An abolitionist, orator, and author who escaped slavery and became a leading voice for the anti-slavery movement.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968): A civil rights leader who advocated for nonviolent resistance and played a pivotal role in the Civil Rights Movement.

The historical events and figures covered in the Century America’s Time Worksheet provide a glimpse into the transformative moments and individuals that have shaped the United States. By understanding their impact, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the nation’s history and the challenges and triumphs that have shaped its present.

Timeline of Major Historical Events

Year Event
1775 American Revolution begins
1861 Civil War begins
1865 Civil War ends
1929 Great Depression begins
1939 Great Depression ends
1954 Brown v. Board of Education
1964 Civil Rights Act of 1964

Social and Cultural Changes

The 20th century witnessed a multitude of profound social and cultural transformations that reshaped American society. These changes were driven by a confluence of factors, including technological advancements, economic growth, and demographic shifts.

One of the most significant social changes of the 20th century was the mass migration of people from rural areas to urban centers. This urbanization led to the growth of large cities and the development of new urban subcultures. The influx of immigrants from diverse backgrounds also contributed to the cultural diversification of American society.


  • The United States experienced waves of immigration from Europe, Asia, and Latin America.
  • Immigrants brought with them their own cultures and traditions, which enriched American society.
  • However, immigration also led to social tensions and discrimination against certain groups.


  • The growth of cities led to the development of new urban subcultures, such as the Harlem Renaissance.
  • Cities became centers of economic and cultural activity.
  • However, urbanization also led to problems such as overcrowding, pollution, and crime.

The Rise of Mass Media

  • The development of radio, television, and film created new forms of mass entertainment.
  • Mass media played a significant role in shaping American culture and values.
  • However, mass media also raised concerns about censorship and the spread of propaganda.

Economic and Technological Developments

The century america's time worksheet

The 20th century witnessed unprecedented economic and technological advancements that transformed American society and the global economy.

Industrial Revolution and Mass Production

The early 20th century saw the continuation of the Industrial Revolution, marked by mass production techniques and the emergence of new industries such as automobiles, steel, and electricity. These advancements led to increased productivity, economic growth, and a rise in consumerism.

Scientific and Technological Innovations

The 20th century was a period of remarkable scientific and technological breakthroughs. Inventions such as the airplane, the telephone, and the computer revolutionized communication, transportation, and information processing. These innovations also contributed to the development of new industries and economic sectors.

Global Economic Interdependence

The 20th century witnessed a significant increase in global economic interdependence. The growth of international trade, investment, and financial markets connected economies worldwide, leading to both opportunities and challenges for nations and businesses.

Major Economic and Technological Milestones

Year Milestone Impact
1903 Wright brothers’ first successful airplane flight Revolutionized transportation and warfare
1908 Ford Model T introduced Popularized automobiles and expanded mass production
1947 Transistor invented Enabled the development of computers and other electronic devices
1957 Soviet Union launches Sputnik Triggered the space race and accelerated technological advancements
1971 Microprocessor invented Laid the foundation for the digital revolution and modern computing

Foreign Policy and International Relations

The century america's time worksheet

Throughout the 20th century, the United States emerged as a global superpower, shaping the course of international relations. America’s foreign policy was guided by a combination of idealism, self-interest, and a desire to maintain global stability.

The century witnessed major conflicts and alliances that reshaped the global landscape. The United States played a pivotal role in World War I, World War II, and the Cold War, forming alliances with various nations to secure its interests and maintain global order.

Major Conflicts and Alliances

  • World War I (1914-1918):The United States initially pursued a policy of neutrality, but entered the war in 1917 on the side of the Allies (primarily France, Britain, and Russia).
  • World War II (1939-1945):The United States entered the war in 1941 after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. It formed the Allied Powers with Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and other nations.
  • Cold War (1947-1991):A period of intense rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union, characterized by political, economic, and military competition. The United States formed alliances with Western European nations through NATO.

Key Foreign Policy Decisions and Consequences

Decision Consequence
Monroe Doctrine (1823): Declared the Western Hemisphere off-limits to European colonization. Established the United States as a protector of the Americas.
Open Door Policy (1899): Called for equal trading rights for all nations in China. Protected American economic interests in Asia.
Roosevelt Corollary (1904): Gave the United States the right to intervene in Latin American affairs. Led to increased American influence in the region.
Marshall Plan (1948): Provided economic aid to Western Europe after World War II. Helped rebuild Europe and strengthen the Western alliance against communism.
Truman Doctrine (1947): Pledged American support for countries threatened by communism. Laid the foundation for the Cold War and containment policy.

Artistic and Cultural Movements

The 20th century witnessed a remarkable explosion of artistic and cultural movements that reshaped American society and the global art world. From the avant-garde experiments of modernism to the expressive power of abstract expressionism, these movements challenged traditional norms, pushed creative boundaries, and reflected the social and political upheavals of the time.


Modernism emerged in the early 20th century as a radical departure from traditional artistic conventions. Artists like Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, and Wassily Kandinsky rejected the illusion of depth and perspective, experimenting with fragmented forms, abstract shapes, and bold colors.

Modernism’s emphasis on subjectivity and individual expression paved the way for subsequent artistic movements.

Abstract Expressionism

Abstract expressionism, also known as the New York School, flourished in the post-World War II era. Artists such as Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, and Willem de Kooning created large-scale paintings characterized by gestural brushstrokes, vibrant colors, and a focus on emotional expression.

Abstract expressionism’s emphasis on spontaneity and freedom of expression influenced both American and international art.

Pop Art

Pop art emerged in the 1950s and 1960s as a reaction against abstract expressionism. Artists like Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, and Claes Oldenburg drew inspiration from popular culture, mass media, and consumer goods. Pop art’s playful and ironic take on everyday objects and imagery challenged traditional notions of high art and democratized the art world.

Key Artists and Contributions

Artist Movement Contributions
Pablo Picasso Modernism Cubism, abstract art
Jackson Pollock Abstract Expressionism Action painting, drip painting
Andy Warhol Pop Art Silk-screen printing, mass-produced art

These artistic and cultural movements had a profound impact on American society and the global art world. They challenged traditional artistic conventions, pushed creative boundaries, and reflected the social and political changes of the 20th century. Their influence continues to shape contemporary art and culture today.

Primary and Secondary Sources

The century america's time worksheet

Primary and secondary sources provide valuable insights into historical events and developments. Primary sources, created during the time period being studied, offer firsthand accounts and perspectives. Secondary sources, written later, analyze and interpret primary sources, providing a broader understanding of the past.

To access primary sources, visit libraries, archives, and online repositories. Analyze them critically, considering their context, bias, and reliability. Secondary sources can be found in books, journals, and online databases. Evaluate them based on their scholarship, credibility, and use of primary sources.

Recommended Resources

  • Primary Sources:
    • The American Revolution: Primary Documents(Library of Congress)
    • The Civil War: A Narrative, Volume 1by Shelby Foote (1958)
  • Secondary Sources:
    • The Oxford History of the United Statesby Samuel Eliot Morison (1965)
    • The American People: A Historyby Howard Zinn (1980)

FAQ Corner

What is the purpose of The Century America’s Time Worksheet?

The worksheet aims to provide a comprehensive overview of 20th-century America, exploring its key events, themes, and sources.

What historical events are covered in the worksheet?

The worksheet covers major historical events such as World War I, World War II, the Cold War, and the Civil Rights Movement.

How does the worksheet incorporate primary sources?

The worksheet includes references to primary sources such as speeches, letters, and newspaper articles, allowing students to engage directly with historical documents.

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